5 Lawn Care Tips - Spring Edition

Paul • August 22, 2021

As the seasons change, so does the growth and needs of your lawn.

Most lawn grasses we grow in the Toowoomba region are warm season varieties so coming out of the winter months your lawn may have browning, thinning, weeds and bare patches. 

Spring is the time your lawn will require some tidying up and attention to set your lawn up for summer. We have pulled together these top 5 lawn care tips to transform your lawn into a luxe lawn.

A truck is parked under a tree in a grassy field.


Early spring is a great time to fertilise your lawn to provide all the nutrients needed to look good and become strong and healthy.

Different varieties of lawns need different fertiliser applications. At Luxe Lawns & Gardens Toowoomba we use trade quality products that are controlled release. This assures you are not having excess nutrient runoff and will ensure a luxe lawn this summer!


It is best to water your lawn early in the morning before the day warms up, making sure the water reaches the roots and the blades dry quickly.

Infrequent and deep watering encourages strong root growth - but remember as the nights are still cool and the soil is warming, deep watering may last longer, so best check the soil with your finger to see if it is damp and if it is, don’t water.


Spring means much more regular mowing, so it is time to service the mower and ensure the blades are sharp and ready. Lawns will now need regular maintenance, such as weekly or fortnightly and you can remove the catcher and switch to mulch mowing.

We also recommend lowering the mower heights now - keeping to the general rule of not cutting off more than one-third of the grass blade. However do note that different grasses may need different mowing heights to assist with thatch control. 

If you are located in Toowoomba and surrounding suburbs, you can contact Luxe Lawns & Gardens for a quote and we can maintain your lawn for you.


Spring is when grass comes to life however that means weeds are too. Spend some time cleaning up the weeds that have generated and survived through winter so they don’t dominate your lawn.

Use a weed product that is suitable for your lawn type (check the labels) and also note that by fertilising your lawn and thickening it will also assist at keeping weeds at bay.


By aerating your lawn, you are allowing oxygen, water and nutrients to be properly absorbed by the soil and roots of the lawn. It also will help prevent thatching.

Rake the lawn vigorously and this will clean up any fallen leaves, strip out dead grass and all the light to reach new shoots.

Want a Luxe Lawn?

Lawn work can help transform your home. At Luxe Lawns & Gardens we provide the complete lawn care service to Toowoomba and surrounds. We can provide you a quote for regular and scheduled servicing of your property. 

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